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Last Mile Solutions expands into Central Europe

Last Mile Solutions expands into Central Europe - Last Mile Solutions

Late February we officially opened our new office in Kraków, Poland, from which we will serve Central Europe and accelerate further establishing of e-Mobility across Europe. Last Mile Solutions is already active for several years in Poland which resulted in a market leader status in providing white label e-Mobility solutions in Poland by the end of 2019.

Poland is one of the frontrunners on the development of new forms of mobility for a few years already. With their policy “Act on Electromobility and Alternative fuels,” developed two years ago, significant changes are highlighted to accelerate the adoption of zero-emission transport. One of the outcomes is the fact that Poland become one of the leaders in the European electric bus market.

Stated by the Polish Alternative Fuels Association (PSPA) almost 2,000 publicly accessible charging points became available in Poland by the end of 2019, meaning 100 percent growth since 2018. PSPA monitors the EV market in Poland and Europe, as well as legislative changes both at European and national level. Poland’s largest charge point operators (CPO’s) aim to launch another 6000 points in the next two years, where private infrastructure is also developing at high speed. The potential for private charging infrastructure in the Polish market is estimated at 100.000 charging points by 2025. In addition to this, the announced subsidy programs for both charging stations and vehicles will also help to accelerate market development. Similar incentive programs already proved successfully in Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

After Slovakia and our headquarters in the Netherlands, this is the third office we have opened.

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